We are not mad. We just appreciate Horizon.
Have you ever wondered why that single line takes our breath away?
A single line... the silver line... between the water and the sky.
A single line... that's how much we need to thrive.
That's the line that separates us from judging and innocent feeling.
The line between the soul & the body.
Find your Silver line.
Lose yourself in it.
That's Mad! That's Rad!
Find your Horizon and become one with it.
Because nothing is as it seems until you open your eyes.
Turn off TV. Open your eyes.
No media. No bad media.
turn to books, turn to music, turn to art.
no TV.
Reconnect with your Inner Drive.
Let it rise to the surface.
Compare only with yourself... with who you were yesterday.
Do you have the courage to live your authentic truth?